ANLP Coaching Course
9 Days in 3 Levels:- next course starts April !st in Bangalore
FREE accomodation available call now 7774838407
Coaching is particularly important in today's uncertain environments and complex times. The difference between the consultant and the coach is that advice and instruction is replaced with the facilitation of the client's own solutions and answers. Every client is creative, resourceful and whole. The coach's job is to:
• Help clarify and pin-point the client's purpose and goals
• Empower the clients highest potential
• Elicit client-generated motivation, inspiration and emotional engagement
• Create accountability and commitment working out strategies and plans together
• Test and follow-up procedures to guarantee success of daily life implementation
Coaching accelerates personal and professional development, productivity and satisfaction. It can be applied in many areas: individual growth, building effective teams, managing careers, developing executive presence, enhancing strategic thinking and also raising performance in sports or any business.
Becoming a coach is about supporting others to develop and manage their own learning. To be a good coach, therefore, means being able to listen and facilitate objectively without solving peoples' problems for them. The most important skill in coaching is the art of asking questions that are specifically framed. Building relevant competence and experience as a coach is important to create change most successfully. Effective coaching includes spiritual and identity levels, focuses on behavioral integration and follows up on results.
Coaching Level One (3 days)
Coaching Theory and Attitude
What is Coaching?
The ethical use of power projection. Exercise: The projection of power.
The difference between Consulting and Coaching.
The Relationship with the Client
The ability to focus and listen. Creating and deepening trust and rapport.
Ethics of Coaching
How to build and maintain congruency and integrity in coaching relationships. Guidelines for professionalism.
Coaching Interventions
The 8-Step Structure
Well-Formed Outcomes for a Coaching Session
Demonstration of a Coaching Session
Questions are codes to information
The Art of Asking Questions.
Seven question types to elicit information purposefully.
The Four Success Patterns for a Coach
Innovative Leadership
Language that Disempowers and Language that Empowers
Application of Empowering Language for Coaching
The Neutral Place
The clarity of a coach is rooted within his ability to be clear and objective. Strengthening awareness is an important aspect. The Neutral Place is a method that strengthens inner and outer clarity.
Coaching Level Two (3 days)
Skills to Deepen Relationship with the Client
Sensitivity training. Reading and responding to non-verbal cues.
What to say and what not to say.
The Four Success Patterns for a Coach
Solution & Outcome-Orientation
Download and practice verbal and non-verbal aspects of solution thinking.
The Precision Model
Most difficulties arise from not sufficient information. The precision model helps to recover information between the coach and coachee that might have been lost, altered or generalized. This model helps to create change and best help your client.
Innovative Leadership & Accountability.
The Accountability Model for generating responsibility.
Eliciting accountabilty and commitment in the client relationship. How to facilitate accountability and commitment in your client's life.
Coaching Interventions
Changing negative beliefs.
Identify and redirect your client's less than resourceful attitudes.
Values and Purpose
A magic tool in your pocket to best serve your client is finding out and addressing their deeper lying motives.
Hierarchy of Criteria
What are your client's core issues? Easily find the number one motivator through a body-centered technique.
The GAP Model
Emotional Engagement for Motivation
Whether the topic is organization, time management or other disciplines for professional success. We are motivated by our emotions. A spectrum of techniques to conquer procrastination or low motivation.
The Consequence Strategy
One of the most popular coaching and team presentation methods is the contrast frame. This model works with increasing various motivational components.
Coaching Level Three (3 days)
Change Management
As coaches we assist change. The change graph helps to move through the phases of change successfully.
Assumptions and Facts
The dilemma of being held up or stuck in unresourceful states of mind evolves around the phenomena of assumptions and interpretations. Making this difference is essential to the power of a coach.
The 5 Points of View
One-Line Belief Change Patterns
Change negative thinking patterns within one response.
The Four Success Patterns for a Coach
Attach Purpose
Attaching a reason to an instruction, advice or suggestion is the remedy for highest client response.
Preventing Conflict - Advanced Application of Rapport
Feedback structures to demonstrate the ability to create and maintain rapport within any challenging interaction. Specific techniques to early identify possible conflict and address conflict before it begins.
Coaching Interventions to Transform Stress
Whether in business or personal coaching stress and anxiety are high in today's world.
Presentation and practice of coaching models to best assist with these daily challenges.
Coaching & Innovative Leadership
Voice Training.
How to gage one's voice and apply pitch, volume and tonality to receive desired results.
Application of Language that Empowers
The Time Matrix
Creating and maintaining commitment. Templates and forms for strategic planning. The Time Matrix to successfully plan and bring commitment into action.
Coaching Models and Techniques Application
Self-evaluation and colleague feedback
Feedback and Evaluation Presentations
Assignments & Certification Conditions
Full Certification as an ANLP Coach with
1. Full attendance of all nine days
2. Written reports from the various modules' assignments.
3. Completion of 20 Coaching Sessions with written descriptions.
4. Assay on commitment to coaching professionalism including individual purpose statement.